Chrome Extension Released

By Ryan Oldenburg on

You should probably install it right now :)

"All it needs is a Chrome extension to be perfect" - a lot of people.

By far the most requested improvement for Pushbullet was a Chrome extension. I think the reason is pretty clear: Pushbullet is a tool for convenience but without an extension it's kind of inconvenient to use. I hadn't actually realized how important a browser extension would be until I launched Pushbullet last week and got tons of feedback from people saying that they were really excited about Pushbullet but that it's just missing one big thing for them--a browser extension.

After feeling a little dumb that I hadn't thought about building one before launching, I got started on the Chrome extension and am happy to announce that it's now available on the Chrome Web Store. Yes!

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Hello, Pushbullet

By Ryan Oldenburg on

I built Pushbullet because it should be easier to send things to your phone from your computers.

Before Pushbullet, if I wanted a file on my phone from my desktop or laptop, I could either hook my phone up and transfer it, put the file in Dropbox and download it on my phone through the Dropbox app, or, as I often did, add it as an attachment to a draft email in Gmail and download it from the Gmail app. All of these ways suck.

With Pushbullet, I can push the file right from my computer to my phone and, importantly, into my phone's notifications. This means when I pick my phone up, I can get to that file instantly with a click on the notification. So much better.

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